Conferinţe, seminare, lecţii publice

Bioinformatics – the technology key in the XXIst century
Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field, that has a rapid evolution and is based on usage of complex computing analyzes and computer simulations for research of biomedical data. In this context, on the 1st of July 2016, the participants in the Summer...
Lecturer of "Global ICT policy" course, Jaechon Park, visiting UnASM
Joy and enthusiasm for the group of students, master students, PhD students and researchers – who every Wednesday participate in an on-line course, the lecturer of which is Dr. Jaechon PARK from Inha University, Incheon, South Korea – he agreed to visit the...
The meeting of the scientific circle BIOS on ,,Personalized cancer diagnosis”
On Wednesday, 3rd of February was held the meeting of the Circle BIOS on: "Personalized cancer diagnosis" led by PhD student Tutuianu Valeriu working in the Immunogenetics Laboratory of the Institute of Oncology. The meeting was attended by the students of...
The meeting within the BIOS scientific circle called "Prenatal diagnosis of duchenne muscular...
On Thursday, the 28th of January, 2016, Grosu Iulia, a Junior Researcher working in the Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics within the National Center for Reproductive Health and Medical Genetics, IMSP Institute for Mother and Child Health Care held a...
Excellence in research developed in partnership with the University of California, Riverside, USA
In the period of 2-8 of December 2015 the University of Academy of Sciences of Moldova was visited by dr. Isgouhi Kaloshian, professor of the Department of Genetics and nematology, University of California, Riverside, USA. Professor Kaloshean, a famous...
Training for the researchers in humanities
On 16/09/2015, 11:30 in the Senate Hall in a training program was held  the course “The International Management Project in humanistic sciences”. The course relied on the continuation and improvement of quality of knowledge in the field of documentation...
The young researchers form their new skills.
During 2 to 3 of July, University of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, organized the training "Techniques of molecular biology research" in the continuous training program. As visiting professors were Drs Nicholas Dziubenco, Gavrilova Vera, Irina Anisimova,...
Training opportunities for future Olympics in Biology
National Olympics had the opportunity to gain new skills and practical abilities applications in methods of molecular analysis in Genomics and Bioinformatics laboratories of the Center for Molecular Biology of UnASM by taking full advantage of the experience...
The Xth International Congress of Geneticists and Breeders
During the period at 28 June to 1 July over 350 members of the national and international scientific community met under the Tenth International Congress of geneticists and Breeders. The event highlighted a wide range of achievements in the field, and...
Informative seminar on information technologies in the teaching process
La solicitarea colectivului didactic al Liceului de Creativitate şi Inventică „PROMETEU - PRIM”, Universitatea Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei a organizat la 14 martie 2015 un seminar informativ privind Platforma educaţională UnAŞM (e-learning), cu tematica...
