
In agreement with the provisions of the Education Code of the Republic of Moldova nr. 152 from 07.17.2014, higher education at the PhD level is organized within the programs offered by doctoral schools. According to the decision of the Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development nr. 210 from 09.25.2014, eight doctoral schools were established in the educational-scientific Cluster UNIVER SCIENCE. These schools are organized within the partnership of the State University "Dimitrie Cantemir" with the organizations in the field of science and innovation belonging to the Academy of Sciences.

The doctoral programs of the university focus on learning by means of research, aiming at forming human resources competent and competitive in achieving scientific research and in implementing modern research methods.

Mathematics and Information Science
Physical and Engineering Sciences
Chemical and Technological Sciences
Biological and Agricultural Sciences

Geonomic Sciences
Humanitarian sciences
Legal, political and sociological Sciences
Economics and demographics