Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field, that has a rapid evolution and is based on usage of...
On Tuesday, October 6, 2015, University of Academy of Sciences had hosted two honor guests at a single meeting. The meeting had been opened by Ms. dr. Antoaneta Ene, lecturer at the Galati University "Dunarea de Jos" by public lecture Modern techniques used in environmental investigations. During the lecture were presented and applied the modern methods for the most hazardous metal monitoring by modern-based spectral techniques - atomic emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry by inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES and ICP-MS) in the process of environment monitoring.
The subject of the second public lecture was Water Quality Assessment, was presented by Mr. Thomas Spanos, a professor at Eastern Macedonia and Trace Institute of Technology in Kavala, Greece. Professor. Dr. Thomas Spanos has made public information about changes in European regulations related to drinking water quality audit, principles and drinking water quality monitoring and the right of each European Union country member at an optional monitoring. In order to deliver a database, Mr. Spanos presented different ways of such information processing on water quality in different regions. It would be useful to both, researchers and local public administration in order to take strategic political decisions on drinking water quality.
The lectures were carried out in 1676 MIS ETC Project "Cross-border Cooperation for the prevention of interdisciplinary natural disasters and Mitigation of Environmental Lower Danube Euroregion pollution into the Common Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Moldova 2007-2013. This program is funded by the European Union through the European Partnership and Neighborhood, and co-financed by the states participating in the program. The primary goal of the project is the first interdisciplinary network in the Lower Danube Euroregion for environmental assessment - INPOLDE.