Astăzi, 22 iulie 2020, în Muzeul de Istorie a orașului Chișinău a avut loc ceremonia de...
"Dimitrie Cantemir" State University (formerly University of Academy of Sciences of Moldova) invites you to attend the International Scientific Conference "Biodiversity in the Context of Climate Change", 3rd edition, to be held on 22 November 2019 in the following sections:
1. Biodiversity of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
2. Biological invasions under conditions of instability of climatic factors.
3. Climate change and associated risks.
4. Natural and Technogenic Risks.
5. The impact of climate change on the environment and society.
6. Sustainable development of the Republic of Moldova: state and trends.
The registration at the conference will be done online, by completing the Participation Form, by 10 November 2019. The papers will be submitted by 10 November 2019 at the following e-mail address: [email protected]. As first author, each participant may present maximum 2 papers. Participation at the conference is free. The cost of book of articles is 200 MDL. The cost of accommodation and meals will be borne by the organizers. Transport costs will be borne by the conference participants.
Word editing conditions: MS Word program, A4 format, margins: left - 2 cm, right - 2, up - 2, down - 2 cm. Works in up to 5 pages volume will include: Title - body Times New Roman (TNR) 13, capital letters, centered, bold, followed by a blank line. Authors - Body TNR 11, aligned right, bold, Italic. Institution - body TNR, aligned right, bold, 1 line free. Abstract (in English, up to 100 words) - body TNR 9, italic 1 free row. Keywords (3-5) - TNR 10 body, left aligned, bold, 1 line free. Introduction - title, body TNR 11, capital letters, centered, bold. Text, body THR 12. Material and methods - title, body TNR 11, uppercase, centered, bold. Text, body TNR 12. Results and discussions - title, body TNR 11, capital letters, centered bold. Text, body TNR 12. Conclusions - title, body TNR 11, capitalized, centered, bold. Text, body TNR 12. Tables - title, copied TNR 9, capitalized, centered, bold, number (Table no ...) body TNR 9, Italic, aligned right. Images - TNR 9, centered (number and title), the images must be numbered, inserted in text and presented in a separate map in the original version (photo - JPG, diagrams - Excel, figures, maps - Illustrator 4 etc. PDF). Bibliography - Alphabetical Ordering Title, Corp TNR 10, capitalized, centered, bold. Text, body TNR 9. Requirements: a) monographs: author, title of the work, city: publishing house, year, no. of pages; b) articles: author, title of the work, // magazine name, year of appearance, no. order, number of pages. Bibliographic references are made between square brackets according to the alphabetical order of the list.
The articles can be presented in Romanian, Russian or English language.
Conference’s organizers:
• Department of Biological Sciences and Geonomics, USDC
• Functional Genetic Center, CGF;
• Doctoral School of Geonomic Sciences;
• Doctoral School of Biological Sciences;
• Doctorate and Research Department, USDC
in collaboration with:
• Institute for Ecology and Geography, Chisinau;
• "Spiru Haret" University of Bucharest, USH;
• "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, UAIC;
• "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Romania;
• "Bioterra" University of Bucharest, Romania;
Additional information: e-mail - [email protected] and the university site