

The Project 144950-TEMPUS-2008-IT-JPHES has anticipated the development of an environment for innovative training in entrepreneurship, which fact has been applied into practice by setting up the educational and innovative Incubator UNIVERSCIENCE, managed by the University of Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
The activities planned are part of the concept for development of the entrepreneurial environment in universities and aim at training the future professionals in an entrepreneurial spirit, adding value to the innovational potential of the academic community by the business environment, encouraging development of start-ups based on innovation.

Achieving these objectives is anticipated through delivering pre-incubation services to the UNIVERSCIENCE incubator beneficiaries selected via a competition, such as life-long learning, competitions for innovational ideas, development of innovative educational environment based on the electronic platforms and the development of traditional teaching materials, including textbooks, that contribute to introducing the innovational entrepreneurship, as well as through delivering new incubator services for technological transfer projects and for scientific research.