Practical training

Practical training events, in accordance with the curricular content, ensure the formation of professional skills including skills of scientific research, contributing to the formation of a competitive specialist. The practice for the 1st cycle includes three practical training events, differentiated according to the year of study: the practice of initiation in the specialty (1st year), the specialty practice (2nd year) and the practice of research, documentation and final editing of the Bachelor's thesis (3rd year), which is conducted according to the Curriculum developed by the persons who are responsible for the practice and is credited just like other disciplines included in the Curriculum.
Depending on the objectives of the study program, the practical activity takes various passive and active forms of studying and research, not only in the lecturing rooms of the University, but also on the terrain, in the laboratories of the research institutes of The Academy of Sciences of Moldova, as well as in commercial organizations pertaining to the respective professional area.
The success of the graduates on the labor market depends largely on the degree of their familiarity with the standards used in the corresponding professional field. That’s why, the renowned research schools, the skilled scientists and the laboratory equipment in the specialized institutes of The Academy of Sciences of Moldova, altogether ensure optimal conditions for the development of professional skills, especially the development of practical skills of leading investigations according to modern requirements.

The practice of initiation in the specialty

provides training of general skills for a certain specialty, acquaintance with contemporary research directions and trends, with the areas of activity of the research laboratories from the State University "Dimitrie Cantemir"and from other institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Given their interests and personal motivation, the students, guided by their scientific supervisors, identify their research area and the objectives of the practice, develop skills of analyzing the scientific literature, skills of logical argumentation and presentation of the basic ideas as well as that of drawing the correct conclusions from the specific research. At the end of this practical training, each student has to elaborate an annual project - a scientific report (20-25 pages) on a relevant problem in the field which includes the actuality of the selected theme, the purpose and objectives, a review of the most recent literature in the field, a few proposals and recommendations, the bibliography used etc.


The specialty practice

is carried in the research laboratories of the faculty, in the research institutions of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, or, at the student’s request and with the consent of the head of the department, in other laboratories/ centers/ organizations. The student accomplishes the second internship under the supervision of the person who is responsible for it, in close cooperation with the scientific tutor, who participates in formulating the topic of the annual thesis, the aim and objectives of the research, in planning the experiments and the research methodology. The finality of this internship consists in forming a range of investigational-scientific skills, reflected in the annual thesis.
The public presentation of the reports on the completion of the internships takes place in front of the committees for the respective specialties during concluding conferences, organized by the corresponding departments. The reports include:

  • a brief description of the planned activities carried during the practice (also presenting the level of completion/ achievement);
  • presentation of the personal research project;
  • conclusions and recommendations.

The student is promoted to the next academic year if he has accomplished all the tasks assigned during the practice. The students are given the opportunity to present their materials through an oral communication of about 5-7 minutes during the conference of Bachelor and Master students “Future begins now”, organized each year, in April, involving specialists in the respective areas of expertise. Students elaborate their concluding communications in close cooperation with the scientific supervisors. The student must prove that he:

  • has a detailed knowledge of the content of the communication;
  • is capable to present a much vaster content in a totalizing and coherent manner;
  • can argue convincingly on the choice of the research topic, as well as the methodology used, the provided conclusions and proposals;
  • has the ability to maintain a discussion answering the addressed questions, and can defend his own point of view;
  • is persuasive regarding the observance of the set objectives.


The practice of research, documentation and final editing of the Bachelor's thesis

gives the student the possibility to finish the experiments/theoretical studies initiated during the specialty practice and to analyze the obtained data. During this period, the student works individually, proving personal initiative, creativity and ingenuity. As a result of this practice all students, regardless of their specialty, must be able:

  • to know the requirements for editing the Bachelor’s thesis;
  • to know the algorithm of conducting a scientific research;
  • to analyze the obtained results through the prism of the most recent information available in the literature;
  • to apply the gained knowledge in documenting the obtained data;
  • to draw conclusions in conformity with the goals set and the actuality of the work;
  • to complete the manuscript of the Bachelor’s thesis – (electronic and paper versions);
  • to efficiently use the office tools for editing electronic documents and making presentations;
  • to argue the actuality of the research and the prospects for further development of the field, including practical applications;
  • to argue the selection of the research methods used in solving specific scientific problems.


In order to achieve the planned objectives, the students of theState University "Dimitrie Cantemir" are provided with: the Curriculum, methodical guidelines, individual tasks, etc. corresponding to the practical training. Also, the person responsible for the tutoring and the leader of the department/ dean of the faculty informs students about the objectives of the internships planned in research laboratories/ other structures and about the evaluation process that the interns will undergo.
The administration of the State University "Dimitrie Cantemir" has developed a methodological guide “Requirements for elaborating, presenting and evaluating Bachelor’s and Master’s theses”, addressed to students, scientific supervisors, members of the thesis evaluation committee and which states the rules for elaborating and defending the year thesis, the Bachelor’s thesis and the Master’s thesis within the State University "Dimitrie Cantemir".