Hotărîrea Guvernului RM Nr. 692 din 11.07.2018 cu privire la autorizarea de funcționare provizorie și acreditarea programelor de studii superioare în instituțiile de învățămînt superior din Republica Moldova
Plan de acțiuni pentru eliminarea cauzelor neconformităților identificate în procesul de evaluare externă a programelor de studii superioare de licență de către ANACEC
Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field, that has a rapid evolution and is based on usage of...
University students and professors gathered on Tuesday, June 28th, starting at 10 A.M. to celebrate...
A good professor have to always learn, Science gives you the courage to think freely, University...
Joy and enthusiasm for the group of students, master students, PhD students and researchers – who...
On Wednesday, 3rd of February was held the meeting of the Circle BIOS on: "Personalized cancer...
On Thursday, the 28th of January, 2016, Grosu Iulia, a Junior Researcher working in the Laboratory...
On the 21th of December the Administrator of the Council of Europe's Higher Education and Research...
On the 20th of January, the President of the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and the...