Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field, that has a rapid evolution and is based on usage of...
Graduates of Ecology specialty may be employed as environmental experts, inspectors, managers in environment protection, environmental managers within enterprises, environment protection engineers, researchers within academic centers, environmental centers and laboratories belonging to the public healthcare sector, etc, they can follow-up on their investigations as PhD students at UnASM, research institutes of Academy of Sciences of Moldova and various structures/organizations dealing with this specialty. In case the student has applied for the module of psychology and teaching, the graduates of the Ecology specialty may work also as teachers of biology at a lower secondary school and a high school.
Institutions and organizations with activities related to the specialty of Ecology, Geography and master’s program Environmental Sciences
The Botanical Garden (Institute), ASM
Institute for Environment protection and Geography, ASM
Institute for Plant Protection and Organic Farming, ASM
Institute for Geography and Seismology, ASM
Ministry of Environment Protection (Departments of related areas)
State Environment Protection Inspectorate
Environment Inspection (within all rayon centers of the Republic)
State Hydro-Meteorological Service along with the National Network for Field Observations
Fishery Service with its decentralized field subdivisions.
Natural reservations in the Republic
National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities
Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources
Agency for Environment Protection of Chisinau, Balti, Cahul, UTA Gagauzia
Agency “Apele Moldovei” along with the enterprises and organizations in the field (
State Enterprise “Expeditia Hidro – Geologicas din Moldova” (Hydro-Geological Expedition in Moldova)