Study of structure, functioning, sequences and productivity of natural ecosystems under conditions of anthropic impact in the Republic of Moldova;
Study of dynamics and highlighting trends of change of geosystem and ecosystem components under the influence of natural anthropic factors;
Evaluation of ecosystems status and development of procedures for environment audit;
Develop documents and regulations on conservation and recovery of natural ecosystems;
Scientific support for the monitoring of environment of state protected areas;
The study of spatial distribution and the dynamics of exogenous geo-morphological processes evaluation of role of these processes in the current change of country landscape, of work and living conditions of human beings, evaluation of geomorphologic risks.
Study of interdependence relations of geographical landscapes in the local and regional contexts;
Develop principles of evaluation of natural potential of the hydrological component of landscapes;
Develop the methodology of evaluation of geo-ecological potential of geographical landscapes;
Evaluate the degree of ecological stability of geographical landscapes;
Environment protection and reasonable use of natural resources;
Evaluation of quantity and quality landscapes components under the influence of anthropic factors;
Cartography modeling of environment components during various periods of landscape recovery;
Remote sensing and Geographical Informational system for mapping the spatial and time changes of geographical landscapes;
Modeling of leakage development under conditions of anthropic changes.
Dynamics and regime of groundwater in the Republic of Moldova;
Water resources and their quality, hydrologic forecasts, processes related to small riverbeds;
Quantitative projection of environment pollution, development of methods for localizing and reducing pollution;
Evaluation of factors that prompt the emergence of unfavorable geological situations;
Optimizing geo-system structures with a view to ensuring their stable functioning;
Development of geo-informational system for environment and natural resources;
Development of a data base for the integrated management;
Harmonization of national legislation, regulations and standards with the EU and international requirements, development of new standards and regulations necessary for ensuring the sustainable development of an area of land;
Development of scientific bases for ecological management;
Development of scientific bases for ecological monitoring;
Criteria, indexes and management systems and ecological monitoring and their harmonization with European and international requirements;
Evaluation of anthropic impact on the environmental status of natural ecosystems and anthropic ecosystems by applying new methods provided by the Geneva Convention;
Conduct environmental research of representative natural ecosystems with a view to scientifically justify of the status of protection and extension opportunity;
Complex evaluation of radio-ecological status of the soil-plant system in the Republic of Moldova and development of methods and technologies for diminishing accumulations of radionuclides in agrocenoses;
Research on the radioecological status of natural and anthropic ecosystems;
Determine the structure and the mechanisms of interaction of useful components and pests (pathogens, pests, nematodes, weeds etc.) in the agrocenoses of main agricultural crops, phytosanitary status in the republic, as well as products deposited with a view to regulating the density of populations of pests;
Development and improvement of methods for identifying pests and phytosanitary control by applying the automated systems for data collection and for projecting the development and dissemination of main species of pests with a view to developing systems of monitoring of their status;
Development of production technologies and applying means of plant protection (entomophage, microbilogical substances, biologically active substances etc.) from diseases, pests and weeds, development of integrated protection systems for plants in open fields and covered plots;
Evaluation of new biological agents (entomophages, microorganisms, viruses, pheromones, active biological substances, extracts of plant origin etc.) with a view to their further use in protecting plants;
Evaluation of quality of spring water within the area of research;
Conducting checks with regard to new means of protection and developing guidelines and recommendations scientifically justified from an economic standpoint so as to apply them in the integrated plant protection system;
Developing scientifically justified requirements for designing and creating technological equipment, machinery and control devices for plant protection;
Evaluation of environmental status of natural water with cross-boundary and local-cross-boundary impact;
Evaluation of degree of transformation of water pollutants and of the capacity of self-treatment and nitrification;
Calculation of critical loads of pollutants and of coefficients for irrigation of natural water;
Environmental impact of hydrothermic and fertilizing regimes upon the processes of pedogenesis and upon the optimal capacity of soil buffering;
Evaluation of impact of rainfall on the process of soil acidification;
Calculation of load of mineral ions in soil via water from rainfall;
Quantity and quality monitoring of atmospheric depositions;
Modeling of dispersion of pollutants based on the meteorological parameters;
Development and updating of computer version of recordings on dangerous hydro-meteorological processes on the territory of Republic of Moldova;
Modeling further climate status, evaluation of uncertainties and risk of climate change and highlighting of regional specifics, influenced by human activity;
Disaster and climate risk management in Moldova;
Hydrologic monitoring of surface water and protection against floods in the Prut riverbed;
Surface water monitoring and protection against floods in the Prut riverbed;
Scientific justification of complex evaluation of the climate component of landscapes;
Cartographic modeling of regional climate parameters;
Evaluation of changes of regional climate in the context of global climate changes;
Development of criteria to identify and evaluate the climate risk factors.