Educational Offer

Cycle I (Undergraduate studies)

General area of study-   42 Natural Sciences
Area of professional training - 424 Ecology
Specialty– 424.1 Ecology
Total number of study credits – 180
Title obtained – Bachelor of Natural Science

The Syllabus for the specialty Ecology covers the modules that provide general training (botany, zoology, organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry, anatomy and human physiology, plant ecophysiology, bio-technology etc.) and specialty training (protected areas, environmental audit, bio-geography, conservation of bio-diversity, aquatic ecology, ecotoxicology etc.) aiming at developing strong skills, applicable both to the area of study and to the social life of the graduates. The optional specialty subjects provide the student with the opportunity to select one of the individual specialization paths (energy conversion, environmental monitoring, pedology and biology of soil etc.)



The general area of study -   42 Natural Sciences
Area of professional training - 425 Geography
Specialty – 425.1 Geography
Total number of study credits – 180
Title obtained – Bachelor of Natural Science

The syllabus for the specialty Geography covers modules that provide general training (inorganic chemistry, general ecology, applied physics, applied mathematics, written and verbal communication techniques etc.) and specialty training (protected areas, biogeography, physical geography of continents and oceans, geography of environment, human geography, geodynamics, geo-statistics etc.) aiming at developing strong skills applicable both to the area of study as well as the social life of graduates. Optional specialty subjects provide the students with the opportunity to select one of the individual specialization paths (environmental chemistry, environmental economics, environmental engineering, history of geographical thought etc.)


Cycle II (Master’s degree)

General area of study -   42 Natural sciences
Research Master’s Program – Environmental sciences
Total number of credits – 120
Master of Science in Natural Sciences

The syllabus for the specialty Environmental Sciences provides for the building on the acquired theoretical knowledge so as to extended and deepen it, the issues related to Environmental Management and Monitoring and Sustainable development are studied in detail, as well as the modern techniques of study –Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing etc. The program is characterized by the complex study of environment components, of natural and anthropic risks, of natural landscape changes. The Master’s degree syllabus covers basic subjects: Technological and research and development, Biodiversity, Theoretical basics of ecology and environmental sciences, Sustainable development; specialty subjects: Organic farming, Environment Law, Geoinformatics and Spatial Analysis, Environment Management and free-choice subjects: The Methodology of Research and Analysis for the Environment Sciences, Environment Monitoring, Climate change etc.