
Background information

Nowadays chemistry is at the basis of various fields of human activity. This is due to achievements reached in the area of applied chemistry that is based on the results of essential research in various areas of contemporary chemistry: inorganic, bio-organic, analytical, physical, organic and bio-organic, colloidal and quantum chemistry, environmental etc.
The curriculum for Master’s degree in Chemistry is designed for the graduates of Bachelor’s degree programs majoring in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Environment Protection (upon request). As part of Chemistry specialty it is anticipated that professionals of a wide profile be trained and will acquire extensive knowledge in the area. So as to ensure the good quality of training, there were designed intensive courses related to achievements in various contemporary scientific areas. The main disciplines in the curriculum are as follows: Technological research and development; Fine organic synthesis; Carbon absorbents, Mineral absorbents; Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Modeling of complex chemical balances in aquatic systems that are designed to form basic skills for the graduates. As part of the specialty subjects – Transitional metals chemistry, Quantum mechanics and chemistry, physics methods of research in chemistry, Coordinative compounds, Nanomaterials - the students acquire knowledge and skills specific for their major.

Upon finalizing the program, the graduates will have the following general skills:

  • estimate the importance of achievements of contemporary chemistry for the society;
  • be knowledgeable about the current situation and the prospects for development of chemistry fields;
  • perform scientific analysis of latest theoretical and experimental problems in chemistry;
  • apply in practice the knowledge acquired via ideas, concepts and models suggested;
  • perform experimental activities with the aim to promote the acquired outputs;
  • to learn and apply the ITC.

Specific skills:

  • develop various ways of obtaining and using chemical compounds;
  • design and implement projects for scientific research;
  • apply the contemporary technologies for research;
  • be able to acquire and apply the necessary compounds according to destination;
  • be able to analyze and determine the structure of chemical substances;
  • be able to apply into practice the innovative outputs in the area of chemistry.

Institutes involved in program implementation

Institute for Chemistry of ASM (Accreditation certificate: Series I No. 004, dated 20.07.2006);
Institute for Geology and Seismology of ASM (Decree No. AC-07/1-3, dated November 25, 2010, Accreditation Certificate: Series I No. 024)
Institute for Applied Physics of ASM (Accreditation Certificate: Series I no. 007, Decree No. 21/AC dated 18.05.2006)

Core and applied scientific areas

Biologically active coordinative combinations. Synthesis and study of metal-organic structural combinations with high porosity. Catalysts for water photolysis. Nanoparticles of transition metal oxides for usage in micro-electronics, in photovoltaic cells, in medicine. Emphasizing the electronic processes for activating the small molecules in coordination reaction to transition metal compounds and the reaction mechanisms in chemical kinetics and catalysis. Synthesis and study of natural compounds. Synthesis and study of compounds with perfumery and cosmetics destination. Organic catalysts for intermolecular aldol reactions. New catalysts for asymmetrical syntheses, research on mechanisms of reactions with a high degree of regio- and stereo-selectivity. Physical chemistry of processes occurring on the solid-liquid interface. Developing sustainable technologies for synthesis of active coal and for activating mineral absorbents. Establishing mechanisms for absorption of pollutants into carbon and mineral absorbents. Developing new technological methods and procedures for making drinkable ground water and surface water, for treating waste water, for recycling secondary products from enterprises for processing farm produce. Emphasizing mechanisms for migration of pollutants and their transformation into the water-substance system into suspension-bottom deposits.

Employment opportunities

The graduates of Chemistry master’s degree program will be able to follow-up on their research under the PhD programs within the research institutes of ASM or will work as scientific researchers in the labs of the ASM institutes. Also, they can be hired by the agencies for testing of some factors of environment, within enterprises for production with use of chemical technologies in the capacity of technological engineers in the food industry, make-up pharmaceutics, etc.

Onestitatea academică

Dezvoltarea profesională este axată pe cunoaşterea activă (prin analiză, sinteză şi investigaţii), studentul fiind plasat în centrul activităţii didactice, motivând interesul şi curiozitatea faţă de procesele ce se petrec în mediu. În acelaşi timp, esenţial este respectul acordat cunoaşterii produse de ceilalţi, indicând sursa de citare. Este interzis copiatul la examene, lucrări, teste, în timpul activităţii individuale şi elaborării rapoartelor, eseurilor. Importantă este interrelaţia adecvată între studenţi şi dintre studenţi şi profesori. Respectarea regulilor de conduită civică şi academică va asigura un proces de instruire de calitate înaltă.