
On 16. 09. 2015, at 10:00 in the Senate Hall in the program Public lectures with 50 invited teachers, held a lecture intitled “How to do ethnological field today?” The trainer of this course was dr.,univ. prof., Otilia Hedeşan, vice rector of the West University of Timişoara.
The issue of the lecture was focused on promoting open intercultural dialogue and to highlight the cultural diversity as a major source of inspiration, creativity and mutual understanding; overcoming of simplistic rhetoric of diversity as richness, tensions in trying to change attitudes and behaviors.
At the  participants request, discussions have taken place on the titles of specialized scientific articles, such as The Dictionary of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of Pierre Bonte, Elementary forms of religious life by Emile Durcheim, Francois Laplantine Ethnographic description etc. The discussed books intrigue and raises problems, calls interpretations, there are general volume without its reading orientation on complex of anthropology and ethnology area is difficult.